Why an SLR Camera is Always a Better Choice

Yes, yes, I know they cost more money. But, that's really a one time thing. It doesn't matter what your buying, whether it's cars, homes, dogs, or cameras. A few months or years down the road, the price you paid for something is quite often forgotten. What really matters, is if the item is doing the job you bought it for. If it's not, your likely to just go shopping again, and end up replacing it with a more expensive item. In the case of cameras, you may find, that it's better to buy a good SLR camera today, than a great compact camera that will need to be replaced shortly.

I'll try and give you an example of what I mean. The first four digital cameras I bought were all compact digital cameras. Now, it's not entirely that I have a thick head, and need to make repeated mistakes to learn the same lesson, as the cameras were all for different members of my family. But, one thing the cameras all have in common, is the same inadequacies. They can't take pictures from a long distance, they take lousy pictures in low light, and they are often slow enough to cause me to miss good photo opportunities.

My kids recently got very much into competitive swimming. If you've ever been a parent at a swim meet, you understand how impossible it is to get decent pictures of your kids swimming when your sitting from any distance in the stands. It's the kind of sport where you need to get as close as possible to the action to really good pictures. We also bought a sailboat a few years ago. One of the things sailors like to have, is pictures of themselves sailing their boat. That's tough to do with any camera. But, if you have a camera with a good zoom, and high quality lenses you can get great pictures of your friends sailing their boats.

So, all in all, what you should really do, is buy yourself the more expensive SLR camera now, as you know it will always take great pictures in any environment for years to come. In the long run, it will be the cheaper choice.

Getting the perfect camera, is never an easy thing, especially with the way digital technology is constantly changing.

Fortunately, there are plenty of helpful websites online, that can narrow down your search and help you find the camera with all the features important to you.

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