Digital Camera Information

You've decided to buy a digital camera. The problem is - which one? Unless you have good digital camera information, it can get quite confusing. There are five main types of digital cameras available for different photography needs. In this article, we will discuss the five different types.

The five types are compact digital cameras, subcompact digital cameras, advanced compact cameras, super-zoom cameras, and SLR cameras.

Compact Digital Cameras are best for everyday use. They are perfect for your family vacations and get togethers. They are very easy to use but they also have limited manual controls for exposure and composition. So if you want a camera that you can just pick up and take a great picture - this is it. The cost for a compact digital camera ranges from $150 to $300.

The subcompact digital camera is great for carrying anywhere you want to go. It's small so it will fit into your purse or tote bag and not too heavy that you don't mind carrying it around. As with the compact, it has limited controls so if you're wanting to get started with some creative and artistic photography, this isn't the camera for you. However, if you want great pictures without having to study the "in's and out's" of your camera, this could be the one. Subcompact digital cameras range in price from $250 to $450.

The advanced compact camera is a step up from the compact and subcompact digital cameras. This camera is relatively large and heavy so it's not one that you would want to tote around all day on vacation. But, if you know that you are going out looking for some great shots, this camera can handle it. This camera does well when the lighting could be a challenge such as dimly lit rooms and subjects, and outdoor situations such as sunsets. The advanced compact digital camera has very versatile controls, long zoom, and can store RAW images. The price range for these cameras is between $300 to $600.

The super-zoom digital cameras would be the best choice for you if you are interested in photographing nature, sports, and travel. They have a very long zoom range with a powerful telephoto setting which make it perfect for those nature photos. On the down side, they are larger, bulkier, and heavier than the compact models. The price range is between $250 to $450.

If you are truly interested in artistic photography, then you need to invest in an SLR digital camera. SLR is the acronym for "standard lens reflex." These cameras perform beautifully; have instant startup, minimal shutter lag, interchangeable lenses, large image sensors, fast continuous shooting, can store RAW images, and excellent battery life. As can be expected, they are larger and heavier which is the price you pay for the artistic abilities that this camera has. They are also considerably more expensive ranging from $900 to $1,500.

Whether you're looking for a great point-and-shoot camera, or an advanced camera that you can hone your photographic skills with, you'll find it in digital cameras. From the subcompacts to the SLRs, whatever your needs, there is a digital camera made just for you.

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