Digital Photography and the Sony Alpha A200 Camera - A Short Review

We were all set to go on holiday when I had a brainwave that I wanted to upgrade my Fuji Compact Digital Camera. The Fuji produced pictures that were reasonable, well actually they were pretty good, but a friend of mine had recently purchased a DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) Camera which produced absolutely great pictures. Having been a keen photographer in the past I looked into the difference between the old 35mm SLR Cameras and the modern day DSLR. My findings and overall conclusion were eye opening to say the least...

The old SLR camera was certainly a means of photography for the dedicated photographer with a lot of factors being involved in order to get the right shot, and certainly no means of viewing what you had captured until it was later developed by the chemist. To have been a wedding photographer back then must have been like living on your nerves every time a picture was taken, the uncertainty of its outcome must have been mind bending stuff.

When I discovered that a modern day DSLR was in no way anything like this for many reasons. The pictures taken can be instantly viewed on the LCD screen found at the rear of the camera, the camera itself has many innovative and beneficial built-in modes and features including automatic focus, and anti shake mechanisms giving clearer pictures even if the hands are a bit shaky.

Once I had been awakened to their magnificent performance and purpose it was simply a decision of choosing which one to get. After many nights reading review after review and report after report I came to the conclusion that the best manufacturer that ticked all my boxes was Sony and the choice of camera would be their entry level model the Alpha a200.

I decided on this model based on looking ideal for someone beginning or starting out with a DSLR camera, although a very powerful and highly capable camera with 10.2 megapixels and an 18 - 75mm wide angel macro lens as standard would produce some above average pictures for a below average experience person.

When I first started to use the Alpha I was learning something new about what it could do each and every day, added to that the high quality of photographs that it was producing lead me to wonder what this great camera cold do if I invested in some additional accessories.

Before long I had the standard camera and lens as well as a 28-200mm lens, which is good for close range pictures as well as fairly distant shots, a 70 - 300mm lens, which is more suited to longer distance shots such as the moon and distant aeroplanes. Added to that the 2x converter which once attached to a lens brings any distant images even closer, so when used with the 70 - 300mm it gives a distant range of 600mm, which produces some amazing images, and a set of magnifier lenses that make small things much, much larger especially insects.

Even now when I go anywhere I rarely leave the house without my Sony Alpha a200 and generally the 28 - 200mm lens attached. It seems such a long time ago since the Fuji compact camera, but a decision and step that I am more than happy that I took.

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Where to Get SLR Camera Repair Services

If your expensive and latest-technology digital SLR camera gets broken, the obvious and first thing to do is to contact the manufacturer and bring the camera to the nearest branch. For example, if your Canon EOS gets broken and you're residing in the US, you can send your camera to Canon USA. The phone numbers and other contact details for repair facility and services are usually found on company websites so getting contact information shouldn't be that hard.

If you live in a far-flung place in a third world country with no known nearby offices of camera companies, you can still FedEx your camera to a repair center. Just make sure you include your credit card number so they can charge you for their services. Another option would be to send it directly to the importing company.

If you're into vintage cameras and you have a 35mm camera and wouldn't mind spending 200-300 bucks for repair services, you can send the camera back to Pentax or Nikon or any trusted camera manufacturer. Know, however, that there some manufacturers who don't want to bother with models that are over 20 years old. These guys will simply tell you that there are no longer any parts available for your vintage camera model. If this is the case, you should go to specialized camera shops that are willing to revive your camera from scratch or improvise parts to make it work. I recommend the Professional Camera Repair shop located in New York City.

For those who own a Hasselblad, I recommend you get in touch with Gil Ghitelman and consider sending your camera to him. He's the Hasselblad go-to person in my book because he hires his own Hasselblad repair person.

If you live in New England, you've probably heard of Steve Grimes - the only camera legend living in the area. He can help you out with all sorts of large format issues and problems with customize machining. He also does lens mounting, large format shutter repairs, etc. You can check out his website at and contact him through 401-762-0857. I can't run down all recommendable repair shops or go-to persons in every state, so your best bet would be to ask around and do your own research on where you can get quality SLR camera repair services in your state. If all else fails and you feel that your camera is beyond repair, there's no other choice but to get a new one.

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The History of Nikon Cameras

Founded in 1917, the Nikon Corporation is still the first choice for most photographers and image lovers after almost 100 years! It was originally called the "Japan Optical Industries Corporation" but was later renamed as Nikon Corporation in 1988. Nikon is a Japanese corporate company with its headquarters in Tokyo, the capital city of Japan and is under the umbrella of Mitsubishi Group. This multinational company specializes in imaging and optics.

Besides cameras, the most popular Nikon product, the company is also engaged in the production of a number of other interesting artifacts including microscopes, binoculars, measurement instruments etc. The Nikon cameras range over a wide variety. There are four popular series which define Nikon cameras. The Nikon F series deals with the SLR cameras of 135 films and the D series comprises of the digital cameras.

The Coolpix series of compact digital cameras is a comparatively new one whereas the Nikonos is a special series of under water cameras. The first Nikon branded camera was introduced in 1948. Before this, Nikon was involved n the production of optical lenses and other optical equipment used in the manufacture of binoculars, cameras, microscopes, etc.

During the Second World War, Nikon with its large number of factories supplied binoculars, bombsights and such other useful equipment to the Japanese military. The first Nikon F series SLR cameras was introduced in 1959 and for the next 30 years, they were one of the most popular cameras used by professional photographers. Later on, Nikon became one of the pioneers of digital camera manufacturers.

The digital cameras revolutionized photography in such an unexpected and remarkable way, that the demand for the Nikon film cameras fell rapidly. Considering the situation, Nikon has presently stopped the production of film cameras and has devoted to the production of digital cameras only. From the very beginning till now, Nikon has continued to produce some of the best cameras of the world.

It has constantly modified its range of products. With the use of newer and improved technologies, Nikon has created such sophisticated and miraculous artifacts that we could not even dream of. Not only for common people and photographers, Nikon has produced cameras and lenses that have been used for scientific research by different organizations.

Nikon was the primary supplier for NASA for its unique and specialized products. Nikon has played a major role in popularizing photography among the common people. Nikon has continuously tried to make photography an easy job for everyone by introducing automatic features in the cameras. It has never failed in its effort to exceed the expectations of its customers and has successfully built up such an extraordinary reputation, that the brand name itself today defines the photographic industry.

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How to Protect Your Valuable Memories

Digital Cameras and digital camera phones have great advantages over traditional film cameras. The ability to take high resolution photographs, using a very compact device means that it is easy to always have a camera with you to capture both formal and reportage style pictures in any place at any time.

The quality of the camera is often based on the resolution, referred to as the number of megapixels, with the larger the megapixel count the better quality the image will be as the more pixels there are in the image, the more detail the camera can record.

Coupled with the improvements in resolution have come better quality lenses on the cameras and camera phones, improved editing software, sometimes built into the device, and removable memory cards that can store hundreds and is some cases thousands of pictures.

And of course with digital photography the results are instant. You click to take a photograph and can straight away see the results. If you don't like what you see, you delete the picture and try again, without the need to have a film processed and printed to find out the quality of your photographs.

Although this ability to easily record pictures is improving rapidly over time, there is still a gulf between how easy it is to take the photographs and getting them from the digital camera or camera phone so if you are like many people your photos stay on the device or memory card until you suddenly run out of room.

But what if you loose your camera or your phone is stolen, or if your memory card is accidently erased? All your pictures can be lost in an instant. It is therefore good practice to get in the habit of taking the photographs from the device and making sure you have a back up copy. These simple steps should help:

1. Regularly copy the images from your camera, mobile phone or memory card onto your computer. It is a good idea to set up a dedicated directory and then save the pictures into folders that mean something, for example Summer holiday in Florida. This way you can quickly find the pictures you want at a later date. This is also a good time to delete any that you will not want to keep, such as blurred photos or nearly duplicate images.

2. Back these up from your computer, either onto a CD or DVD disk or a portable hard drive. Ideally store this backup away from your main computer in case of fire or theft.

3. You may want to consider putting a back up of your favourite photographs to an online storage service such as Flikr.

4. Finally, don't leave your photographs sitting on your camera or hard disk but print your favourites to share and enjoy.

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Photography: Crafting Images - Chapters 4-5 n this program you will learn: Exposure Control & Photographic Design. Key Concepts: eight TRT: 24.29 Exposure Control - The meaning of ISO and when to change ISO settings -Controlling exposure with aperture and shutter speed -Program mode and when to use this automatic mode -How to use Light meters, TTL meters -Bracketing Mode -The different exposure modes P, A, T, M, -Using Flash, built-in and accessory -Using Reflectors Photographic Design -The rule of thirds and odds -depth of field and focus -close up vs wide shots and general framing techniques -camera positions -Vantage Points As the price for digital cameras goes down, the number of new professional photographers goes up. To help you stand out amongst the increasing numbers, Brian Ratty has produced a video series on the fundamentals of digital photography. Most photographers know how to take a picture but learning how to craft these pictures is an essential step to producing images that are timeless and treasured. This lesson is a excerpted from the DVD, Digital Photography: Crafting Images, which is a great resource for those who want to learn how to craft pictures and produce images that last a lifetime. It is the second lesson cut from the DVD and includes chapters 4 & 5, Exposure Control & Photographic Design. MORE PHOTOGRAHY INFORMATION: MORE AUTHOR INFORMATION:

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SLR Digital Cameras For Beginners

Remember those how-to books which basically tries to teach everyday dummies anything from how to have sex to baking a pie? Well this articles is a little bit like that. For those who want to be in the know or at least get a sampling about what SLR Digital Cameras are all about then read on to get a better idea.

During the so-called "good old days" professional photographers and "artistes" tend to lug around bulky manual SLR cameras, different variations of lenses, flash, and of course, rolls and rolls of film. Before digital imaging was invented, professional photographers along with hobbyists only relied on their own abilities to create artsy photos depending on their own skill and talent. Just like with learning to first drive with a stick shift, those who want to get into photography may have an easier time dealing with the current SLR Digital Cameras if they have a good background on the old cameras that started it all.

Compared to the normal point and shoot cameras, SLR Digital Cameras tend to be harder to handle. Unlike those automatic cameras where all you have to do is focus on putting the subject at the center and just click away, SLR Digital Cameras still require the user to manually adjust the lens to be able to create different effects for the pictures. This is wherein you will be able to separate the really talented ones from those who are just using their SLR Digital Cameras as a neck accessory. Photography is a fun, fun hobby and if you do pursue it, photography can also turn out to be a lucrative business or career.

Just to get things started, you may want to check out the entry-level SLR Digital Cameras. However when checking out the latest models at the camera shop, make sure that what you are looking at is a SLR Digital Camera because you might end up buying an overpriced Zoom Camera instead, and you would not want that of course. The difference between SLR Digital Cameras and Zoom Cameras is pretty simple, a Zoom Camera is an upgraded and very pricey version of the entry level point and shoot camera while the SLR Digital Camera is of course, the high tech version of the old manual SLR cameras that were used by photography enthusiasts way back when. In order to get more mileage with your new camera, you are definitely better off buying the SLR Digital Camera instead.

Other things that you should take note of when you are going to buy your very first SLR Digital Camera, do not forget to save some money for other photography equipment and accessories as well. Take for example a nice and sturdy camera bag, this is a must to ensure you that you will be able to keep your new camera scratch free and free from any damage. A fast memory card reader should also be something that you should add to your list as well as a decent ring flash, camera neck strap, and different kinds of lenses - but that would be for a whole different shopping trip.

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Buying a agenda camera: The accuracy about megapixels

The GadgetGuy talks about digital cameras and the 'megapixel myth' - the brochures and retail salespeople might rattle off a high number of megapixels, but what really matters are the quality of the image sensor and lens, and then the pixel number.

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Photography: Crafting Images - Chapters 1-3 ntroduction, The Camera & Properties of Light - Eight Key Concepts. TRT:24:08 In this program you will learn about how to take pictures using the digital camera. More specifically you will learn: The Camera -CCD unit and how it works -The Lens elements -Using the true optical viewfinder vs Electronic Viewfinder -How to use the LCD display Properties of Light -The different conditions of light and how this influence what we photograph -Directional Light -The nature of light source -How to use the sun to benefit you -using contrast and controlling contrast As the price for digital cameras goes down, the number of new professional photographers goes up. To help you stand out amongst the increasing numbers, Brian Ratty has produced a video series on the fundamentals of digital photography. Most photographers know how to take a picture but learning how to craft these pictures is an essential step to producing images that are timeless and treasured. This lesson is a excerpted from the DVD, Digital Photography: Crafting Images, which is a great resource for those who want to learn how to craft pictures and produce images that last a lifetime. It is the first lesson cut from the DVD and includes chapters 1, 2 & 3, the DVD's Introduction, The Camera & Properties of Light. MORE PHOTOGRAHY INFORMATION: MORE INFORMATION ON AUTHOR:

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SLR? Digital? Compact? Which Camera to Buy

Everyone wants to preserve memories that they treasure most. One way of doing so is by getting pictures. Having a camera may be the best option but there are many options on which camera one would buy. A person may choose between a film or a digital camera. With the digital age, it would be a better choice to have digital camera since it is more handy and using it may even be less costly for the person. But once you have decided to buy a digital camera, there are many cameras available and another choice would be made between an SLR and a compact camera. There are many important considerations that must first be done before making a decision.

SLR cameras may be a better choice for many people since it has a more pixels, and one can control the settings of the picture that they want to take. For photographers, the SLR digital camera would be the best choice since they can have sharper images with higher mega pixel cameras. Also, tweaking the ISO, shutter and aperture settings can be done using the SLR. Also with digital SLR cameras, showing off your more artistic side may be done if you know how to manage the settings and make use of other functions of the camera. Since there is a manual option, you may be able to really use the option unlike with compact cameras. Thus, if you want to be more creative, then SLR digital cameras would definitely be the choice for you.

Also, the shutter lag in SLR camera is in fraction of seconds that is comparatively lower than the 2 to 3 shutter lags in the compact cameras. Thus, missing a shot may be avoided with SLR cameras. Also, you may even make your pictures better when you use the right lens in taking the picture. With SLR digital camera, you may interchange the lens and choose the right one for the certain subject.

There are many other advantages of SLR cameras. But having a compact camera may still be a good choice. One of the most obvious would be the size of the SLR camera. It may be too big that it cannot fit in your purse. Thus, SLR cameras may not be good when taking family vacations and simple out of town trips. Also, it weighs more and may not be handled by children.

Having an SLR would only be an advantage if you know how to use the settings. But once you are too inexperienced and knowledgeable, then the setting would only make your pictures lousier and not a bit better.

These considerations are important before choosing which camera you would buy. If you really want better pictures, then making sure that you have the right camera would be the better way to go. If you already know how to handle the camera and use its functions, then better pictures would definitely be taken. One does not need to be a professional to achieve good pictures. It only takes the interest and the eagerness to learn more about photography.

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Artistic Ideas For Pictures in Canvas Frames

Using pictures to decorate your home is a simple but affordable way to add life to bare walls. There are several different ways you can display pictures on your walls. You can go the standard route and place pictures in frames and hang them like normal. However a more elegant and colourful way to display your pictures is to turn them into canvas prints and then have them mounted in canvas frames. Canvas prints are photos that have been printed onto canvas which is material generally used in traditional painting. Printing on canvas makes for vivid pictures that can easily be the focal point of any room.

If you are looking for something unique to hang on your walls then displaying canvas prints in canvas frames will definitely fit the bill. The first thing that needs to be decided is what types of pictures you will use. Canvas prints resemble traditional paintings which lends it to very artsy projects. Although many people have pictures of friends, family, and themselves turned into canvas prints, using nature and scenery is also a great alternative. For example, in the kitchen, you can have a picture of a sunflower or a fruit tree to add cheer to the area.

The next thing to decide is how big the picture is going to be. This depends on if you want the picture to be the focal point of the room or to just accent the overall decor of the area. If you want the picture to be the focus of the room, then you'll need to go big. Now this doesn't just mean poster sized pictures, although a giant scene of a sunrise would be nice above the bed in the bedroom. You can also break up one large scene into smaller parts. For example, you can break up the large sunset into 6 individual scenes printed on smaller canvas frames that, when viewed as a whole, will show the intended picture.

Small pictures make good accent pieces and fit perfectly into room with a greater theme. For example, a bathroom with a nautical theme could have a small accent picture of an anchor, a ship, and island, or all of the above. These are just a few ideas for how you can use canvas prints wrapped on canvas frames to decorate your home. There is so much more you can do. You are only limited by your imagination.

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Digital Photography As Both Art and Science

There has always been a lot of debate about photography - that is, how exactly it should be classified. Depending on who you ask, people will either tell you photography is an art or a science.

Why Photography is 'Art'

Many people believe photography, including digital photography, is a beautiful and unique art form as it allows for emotion to be exquisitely expressed. They see digital photography as a natural evolution of the arts of drawing or painting.

In reality, digital photography is very similar to a painting. Although the original image is an accurate picture of reality, that picture is generally modified using digital tools to reflect the photographer's thoughts and emotions.

Even digital photos that haven't been digitally altered are often considered art, simply due to the artistic eye required to find the appropriate subjects for memorable photos.

Those who believe digital photography is an art generally support their stance by saying that the conveyance of emotions through aesthetics makes photography an art form.

Case for 'Science'

On the other end of the spectrum, a number of camera experts believe photography is a science since it is merely a documentation of something that already exists - not a product of a painter's mind. This can be a very hard stance to argue, as photographs aren't made but taken.

Another integral argument for digital photography being science is that any editing or photo taking done by photographers can be traced to a series of scientific steps. In a nutshell, there seems to be a certain consistency surrounding photography that renders it a science.

Photography's True Nature

It seems as though photography, now as much as ever, remains somewhat a paradox. Not quite a true art, far more artistic than an actual science, it seems as though people will never come to a real consensus concerning its nature.

Perhaps, like most forms of aesthetic expression, digital photography as an art may be simply in the eye of the beholder. Because no one can argue that photography has the ability to convey emotion or take your breath away.

That being said, regardless of the beauty of a photograph, the process of getting to that end point remains virtually the same - the product of a fixed set of processes that must be recognized as scientific rather than inherently artistic.

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Sony ultra bunched camera LCD awning preview

Unveiled at PMA 2010, the new Sony ultra compact camera with interchangeable lenses. This HD teaser trailer showcases the camera's large LCD screen, intuitive menu functionality and on-screen help guide. The practicality of an ultra compact camera is combined with an APS-size sensor and AVCHD video recording, resulting in a sublimely simple photographic experience that produces stunning photos with DSLR picture quality. For further information from your local Sony site see: For further UK information please see:

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How a Scanning Service Can Save Your Old Photos, Prints and Negatives

Did you know it takes an average of only 12 years for color print photos to begin to fade and change color? While light will accelerate the effects, even if your photos, 35mm slides and negatives are stored in the dark, over time the color can break down and they may develop a yellow haze and shift color. The solution to saving your images is to scan them. However, scanning alone will only digitize them in their current condition. If your images have already started deteriorating, they will need to be repaired as well.

A photo, negative and slide scanning service can quickly scan all your images into digital format and then correct the color, repair minor scratches, and some will even remove red eye. Your scanned and repaired images will be burned to DVD in jpeg format and shipped to you along with your originals. Some scanning companies will even make your images available for viewing online, where you can organize them into folders, share them and order prints and enlargements.

While you can certainly scan your printed photos, slides and negatives yourself, scanning is an extremely time-consuming process, and it can be expensive if you need to buy a flatbed slide and negative scanner. The image repair process is also tedious; if your images need to be corrected for scratches and color shift, you need to have the proper imaging software and the skill to make the corrections. Using a professional scanning service will save you much time and money.

Don't lose your precious memories. Scanning is the best way to preserve your photos so you and future generations can enjoy them forever.

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Nikon D3 DSLR camera: First Look review

Not available until November 2007, get a sneak preview of the new Nikon D3 DSLR camera here first......

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Nikon N80 With 28 80 Lens 35mm Film Camera

Capture each and every moment of yours with your film camera. It will make sure you get amazing pictures with superlative precision. At the same time, you do not have to engage yourself in a tedious task. It has features that will make photography easy for you and at the same time let you get an idea about your own creative energies.

Key features
Nikon N80 with 28 80 lens 35mm film camera is almost similar to its close cousin N90S. However, it has some features that make it a bit different from the elder one. For example, N90S has a shutter speed of 30-1/800sec. On the other hand, N80 has a shutter speed of 30-1/4000 sec. It can shoot 2.5 frames per second. N90S, on the other hand, can capture 4.1 frames per second. Otherwise, all the features are almost similar. Nikon N80 with 28 80 lens 35mm film camera has SLR type camera. It is enabled with a zoom lens. It needs 2x 3V lithium Batteries. It has both auto and manual focus. It is enabled with manual shooting modes like Aperture Priority, Shutter Priority and Fully Manual. It does not have a mirror lock up. It also has four light metering modes. It also has auto exposure feature.

User friendly aspects
Nikon N80 with 28 80 lens 35mm film camera is extremely compact and light in weight. It weighs only 515 grams. When you fall short of time, you can change all the settings without even looking at the camera from your eyes since the buttons are placed and the settings are easily to manage.

Know More
Nikon D80 with 28 80 lens 35mm film camera comes with a Red Eye Reduction option. This feature causes the flash to emit a burst of light before the photograph is taken, which narrows the pupil of your subject which in turn does not allow the red color to appear in the photograph.

Nikon N80 with 28 80 lens 35mm film camera is an ideal camera for professional use. However, when compared with N 90S, it takes a fall back.

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Nikon D3000 Digital SLR

Product video for the Nikon D3000 produced by iSiteTV Ltd.

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Do You Really Need a Digital SLR Camera

For years the ultimate in photographic equipment was the 35mm SLR camera. This camera gave the photographer complete control over his image by changing exposure factors , lenses, or both. Even professional photographers made their living with these type cameras. Then came the Digital Age. You can hear all kinds of stories of cameras that cost thousands of dollars, and lenses that often do too. Magazines show ads of smaller digital cameras that cost a fraction of what the professional models cost, but you just don't know..??? Maybe you won't buy a digital camera until you can afford one of those big ones..

I can tell you that the Digital SLR cameras do offer you a choice of lenses. They also have controls that let you choose much faster speeds, or slower speeds if you prefer. They have sensors that can improve the quality of your image, and can reduce the noise recorded. There are many other great features of Digital SLR's but I do not have the space to write them all. I can say that if you are serious about photography, about controlling your camera and not just taking pictures, then perhaps you should research further into the Digital SLR type of cameras. I spent 2 months checking out different models until I finally purchased my Canon Rebel XT I.. I love it! It has many more bells and whistles than I will ever use, however, it gives me the creative control I want. The decision is a very personal choice, so go with what you think will best serve you now and in the future.

Having said this, I will have to say that I owned 2 smaller digital cameras before I purchased my Canon camera. Many of the advanced compact cameras have great selling points of their own. I owned 2 Kodak Easyshare digital cameras. One was a 3.2 megapixel and the other was a 4.1 The image quality of these cameras when shot at lower ISO's is very close to what the Canon camera has. And I am serious! I blew up 3 pictures that I shot with the 3 mp camera to a 14 x 17 and was simply amazed at the detail of those images. The Kodak camera is smaller, lighter and it certainly cost a whole lot less. I still carry that camera with me every time I go out, along with the Canon. Sometimes there are shots that are hard to get to and the small camera really comes in handy. It's always great to have along. I know some other photographers who say the same thing.

So, if you are having a tough time deciding whether to purchase a Digital SLR or a smaller compact digital, I hope this information has helped you some. Personally, I think it helped me to start out with the smaller cameras and get the feel for digital. It is different from film, and does require a bit of adjusting. I didn't think I would make that switch, but now that I have...I don't regret it for a second!

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Photography Equipment : How Does a Camera Shutter Work?

A camera shutter works by opening and closing at a determined speed to allow a certain amount of light in. Set the camera to the proper shutter speed for the right exposure with helpful tips from a professional photographer in this free video on photography equipment and supplies. Expert: Paul Morris Contact: Bio: Paul Morris is a professional photographer based in Miami, Fla. Filmmaker: Paul Muller

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DSLR Or Point & Click - The Right Digital Camera For You

Walk into any camera retailer and you will find dozens upon dozens of cameras. Sony, Nikon, Canon, Pentax and Fujifilm are just a few of the manufacturers. Prices range from a few pounds to thousands and each camera has its pros and cons. But before you can start narrowing down the selections you will need to decide one important factor: Should you buy a DSLR or a "point and shoot" camera.

DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) Cameras

DSLR cameras are substantially more expensive than P&S (point and shoot) cameras, however, they do provide a greater versatility than P&S cameras. They have interchangeable lenses, are larger, and have manual settings. Some provide a few presets for the novice user, but to use the full potential of the camera, some knowledge of aperture, exposure, and focal length are required. The size is also factor. DSLR cameras tend to be rather bulky and heavy. Normally, one does not think about 2 or 3 KGs as much of a load, but after 8 or 10 hours, it may become cumbersome. The biggest advantage of DSLR cameras is that even the cheapest provide high quality photos.

P&S (Point and Shoot) Cameras

P&S cameras provide much less versatility when it comes to shooting styles. They range from a few pounds to a few hundred pounds in cost and the quality varies widely. The biggest advantages are ease-of-use and size. The typical P&S camera offers a number of presets to choose from, depending on lighting conditions and subject. The higher end cameras may offer a few basic manual settings. P&S cameras generally come in two forms: the pocket camera and a DSLR style camera. The former easily fits into a pocket or handbag while the latter looks much like the more expensive DSLR cameras, though smaller and lighter.

Which camera you choose really depends on how you plan to use it. If your intention is to shoot like a professional photographer and you know or are willing to learn about the various manual settings, a DSLR will last you for years to come. However, if simplicity is what you are seeking, a P&S is probably a better choice. Once you have made this decision, the research into which specific camera model is right for you will be much easier.

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Digital Cameras - A Basic Introduction

A digital camera is used as the same as the traditional 35mm film camera. Basically you point, shoot and you capture an image. But the similarity ends there, and this is where the digital camera (or rather the images that have been captured) becomes so versatile.

First of all, your image is there waiting to be transferred to your computer. No more waiting to use all of the film and then going down to the photo processing lab and waiting hours/days for the images to be ready. The most common way of transferring your images to your computer is via a USB cable and software on your PC. Once on your PC, you can edit, crop, email or print out your photos. Becoming more common these days is sharing them on the internet via an online photo album (eg myspace, Flickr or a personal website).
Whilst on the subject of film, with digital cameras where are the images stored? Normally on a memory card. Memory cards come in a variety of sizes (both physical size and storage capacity). These factors are largely dependant on the type of digital camera that you buy, and typically can store hundreds of photos.

The main thing to look for when selecting a digital camera is the number of 'Megapixels' it has (or its 'resolution'). Pixels are the number of individual dots that make up the maximum size of the photo that you can take with your camera. Megapixels are in multiples of 1 million. So obviously the more Megapixels, the better you photo will look on your computer screen - and printed out. Note: The higher the resolution, the larger the physical size of the photograph in pixels, and the more space (file size) it will take up.

When looking at what digital camera to buy, also take note of the zoom feature of the camera. You will see terms such as optical and digital zoom. Optical zoom is taken care of by the camera and its physical lense, whereas digital zoom is zooming done by software in the camera itself. Digital zoom decrease the quality of the image as it is artificial - what the camera 'thinks' the image should look like. So it is best to take notice of the optical zoom capabilities of the camera only.

Do you want a no hassles digital camera when the shutter speed, aperture settings and flash options are all automatic? Most cheaper digital cameras have an automatic mode where all this is taken care of. Perfect for most consumers, and as you start to pay more for a camera, the features (and quality) will improve. These types of cameras will have a range of automatic modes, plus manual settings that allow full control over how the photo will be taken.

You may hear a term DSLR - Which stands for a Digital Single Lense Reflex. The basic theory behind these cameras is that what you see through your viewfinder is what the camera is seeing, thus operating the same as a traditional 35mm camera. These sorts of camera will have all the electronic functions of other digital cameras, and are generally more expensieve to buy.

In summary, do your homework.There is a large number of cameras available, ranging from low budget up to many thousands of dollars for a top class, professional outfit depending on your needs as a consumer.

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Guerrilla blur with the Canon EOS 7D SLR

Behind the scenes of "Spare Change" the Movie--shot on the Canon EOS 7D SLR by Cinematographer Clayton Combe ( A single-lens reflex (SLR) High Definition digital camera, the 7D offers amazing image quality and outstanding performance for under $2K. It shoots beautiful stills and video with an imager as large as Super 35mm film--with a replaceable lens option. "Spare Change" producers invited Converciné Communications behind the scenes on day one of principle photography for the short film written, produced, directed and featuring Suzette Azariah Gunn with Nicoye Banks, Fred Valle, JoAnna Powell, George Pappas, Kellie McCants, Glenn Fleary, Rich Holscher and Jaleah Keitt. Behind the scenes shot and edited by Miles Maker for Converciné Communications.

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Photography Equipment : How to Pick a Camera Lens

When picking out a camera lens, consider the size of the camera, its format and the general use for the new lens. Choose from 35mm, wide angle, zoom lens, and many more, with helpful tips from a professional photographer in this free video on photography equipment and supplies. Expert: Paul Morris Contact: Bio: Paul Morris is a professional photographer based in Miami, Fla. Filmmaker: Paul Muller

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Olympus PEN E-PL1: Autofocus Tracking

Track Your Subjects Wherever They Roam! The Olympus PEN E-PL1s Continuous Autofocus (C-AF) Tracking and Autofocus (AF) Target Registration locks your subject into focus and constantly adjusts focus and brightness whether you or your subject is moving. With this mode, a simple push of the shutter release enables you to keep moving subjects in focus tracking them from left to right and from front to back within the frame, automatically ensuring that even active subjects, like kids playing sports, are captured clearly. The E-PL1s Imager Autofocus in Live View enables you to compose, focus and capture the shot quickly and easily without ever taking your eyes off the cameras large, 2.7-inch full-color, high-contrast HyperCrystal LCD for an easy, seamless viewing experience when shooting still images or videos. The LCD also provides a wide viewing angle of 176 degrees, which ensures that images can be composed from even the most obscure angles.

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Digital Camera Homework - Factors To Consider Before Purchasing a Digital Camera

Buying a digital camera can be a scary proposition, especially if you've only dealt with 35mm cameras in the past. Though the market used to be pretty small it's exploded, leaving consumers a huge range of options from $20 point and shoot digitals to $1,000+, professional level digital single lens reflex setups. So what sort of camera is right for you?

The biggest thing to keep in mind when buying a digital camera is what you plan on using the camera for. For example, if you want a small, easy to carry camera for taking photos at parties and emailing them to friends, you probably want a small, ultra-light camera. These cameras are point-and-shoots with little or no zoom and a relatively low resolution, but the small resolution won't matter unless you're printing the photos larger than 4x6, and the ultra-small size of these cameras makes them easy to drop into a purse or shirt pocket for a night out.

Or, maybe you want to use your digital camera in the same way you did your 35mm, sending a few photos to friends and printing others out for storage in albums or for a few larger wall hangings. Then consider buying a digital camera in the point-and-shoot range, something with a resolution between three and five mega pixels. Though these cameras may not always fit in a shirt pocket, they're still easy to carry and use. Most come with a decent optical zoom that will allow you to get close to your subject, a few different shooting modes for taking portraits, indoor, and outdoor shots, and various other features depending on the model and manufacturer. The higher resolution will allow you to print out crisp photos, either at home or at a photo processing store.

If you're buying a digital camera to compete with your 35mm SLR or want to get into more advanced digital techniques, you'll want something in between the point-and-shoot and the full-on, professional digital SLR. You fit into the "prosumer" category, squarely in between the professional and the standard consumer. In the past five years the digital camera market has really responded to this section of the market, offering up a large number of fully-featured, relatively inexpensive cameras. Digital SLRs with a full range of interchangeable lenses usually start around $1,000, while other cameras with many of the features of the SLRs but without the interchangeable lens system can be had for much less.

Whatever you're looking for, be sure to do your homework while buying a digital camera and try out a few cameras before you buy. If the camera you buy matches your needs well, you'll be taking great pictures for years.

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Best SLR Digital Camera For 2009

Digital SLR comes from digital single lens reflex, which is named this way because of the mirror that sits behind the lens of the camera and sends the light to the viewfinder.

The digital SLR's are designed in such a way that you can use a lot of different lenses, with different focal lengths. This versatility is the reason why digital SLR cameras are so popular among professionals. When you're using a camera that is not a SLR, you need to match the angle of the viewing lens with the angle of view. If you're doing short-range zoom or you have a fixed lens, then it's OK, but at different focal lengths it can be much more difficult. The SLR is better because the viewing and taking lens are the same.

While entry level digital SLR cameras don't always have Live View, advanced models usually do, and they let you compose the photos just like you do with a snapshot camera. The basic models will lock the mirror, and the prism will divert the image towards a sensor that is small. Then, instead of sending it to a capture sensor, it will be sent to the LCD screen, which can take down the performance a bit. If you're getting an older model you might need to focus on the image manually when you are in Live View, though contrast autofocus is available in newer digital cameras.

Digital SLR Camera Types

Digital SLR With Interchangeable-lens

These models are those considered as SLR's by most people. They're also the ones that we'll be talking about in this article. Just like the name says, in these SLR cameras you can change their lenses. This way you're able to switch from a supertelephoto lens to an ultra wide angle.

Examples: Basically, most digital SLR cameras that are sold today belong to this type.

Digital SLR With Fixed Lens

On these digital SLR's, the versatility is limited by the fact that you can't change the default lens. The mirror that bounces the light towards the viewfinder is nonmoving and semi-transparent in most of these models.

One example of a camera with fixed lens is the Olympus E-20N

Camera similar to SLR's

Cameras that look like digital SLR cameras are usually digicams that have either an optical finder or a small LCD. You can't consider them as digital SLR cameras since the mirror is missing, and the quality of the photos isn't even close to what you can do with a true SLR. Usually, this type of camera has a very long zoom, and another name for them is magazooms or ZLRs.

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Why you charge a 50mm lens - Canon 50mm f/1.8, 1.4 and 1.2

Discussing the various 50mm lens options for Canon cameras, and why everyone needs one. This short photography ramble is meant for lens junkies and new camera buyers, but eventually would like to grow it into a regular netcast, discussing photography.

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Video Production Business Tips - What to Charge For Your Video Services

I read somewhere a long time ago that what you are selling is only worth what someone else is willing to pay. Some people might only want to pay $50/hr for your video production services, while others will be perfectly happy paying $250/hr or more for the same service. Of course, the customer has to perceive that they are getting great value for their dollar.

When I was in the wedding video production business, I chose to target affluent families. They were willing to pay upwards of $3000 to $5000 per video whereas the middle income families were typically not willing to pay any more than $1500 for the same services. There was literally zero difference between the amount of hours or the quality of our product. (I of course felt our videos were always worth the $5000. I just had to find the right customer that saw the value the same way I did.)

In the corporate video business, large companies will typically pay several thousand or tens of thousands more for the same services as smaller businesses. Small businesses will micro-manage every penny and not want to pay more for anything, where larger businesses will typically increase the scope of a project while you are working on the project, resulting in a more profitable project and overall relationship.

I think ultimately it boils down to your level of confidence with your abilities and the value you can create for a client. Those of you who are wanting to thrive in the future instead of just surviving, try raising your rates across the board by 10%, 20% or even as much as 35%. Are you worth it? I think so.

In most cases, clients won't even notice the difference. The one's who do will understand if you position the rate increase by saying "in order for me to better serve you, I need to increase our rates. New equipment, technologies, labor, etc. are making it necessary to raise rates."

Whatever or however you position it, just make sure it makes legitimate business sense as to why you are raising your rates. You might lose a few clients, but the one's you keep plus the new business you'll get under your new rate structure will make you far more money with less effort overall. Go ahead, raise your rates on all upcoming projects. Once you have success doing so, you'll never look back.

Another way to start off on the right track is to adjust your payment terms. A few years back, I had trouble getting clients to pay on large projects in a reasonable amount of time. The result was that I was broke with around $50k in receivables that never seemed to come in when I needed it. The remedy: Our contracts now call for a 50% deposit at the beginning of every project with the balance due upon completion and delivery.

This has drastically improved my monthly cash flow and all but a few clients have adapted to my terms with no problems. The key is to realize that your clients expect you to tell them how to purchase your services. Not the other way around. We can't walk into Wal-Mart and tell them that we'll pay them net 45 but that we need the coffee maker today can we? Why should we be responsible for financing 100% of a client's project until it is complete, then until they want to pay?

Some larger businesses have accounts payable policies that you can't get around no matter what, but my experience has been that even the largest of accounts can pass your invoice through quickly if necessary. The trick is to make sure they understand that "this is your policy on projects greater than $3000" or whatever amount you want to set.

When you start projects with half the money in your pocket, you feel good about working on the account, the client gets better service and they are motivated to finish quickly because they are already invested. If they drag their feet, who cares? You already have a good portion of the money in your pocket. Just be sure to manage it properly in case your client drags their feet for months or even over a year.

Also, make sure you hang on to money that you haven't used in project hours if/when your contract states they can pull the plug at any time as long as they give you ample notice. Usually, your contract will state that they must pay you for work completed so it's always in your best interest to do as much on their project as you can early.

We have a few clients that get excited, pay us a bunch of money up front, then cool off for 6 months or more. It's almost comical but I have my production manager contact them once a week reminding them that we need to get started on their project. We charge the time it takes to do this to their account. They'll get around to us sooner or later but meanwhile, they understand that we have to charge them for any activity we have to take to keep their project moving.

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The Benefits of Disposable Cameras

Disposable cameras are cheap and easy to use. If you just want to take some snapshots and have fun then this is the camera for you. You can buy them in bulk for weddings and other special occasions. You can even take some of them underwater. Whether you take them snorkeling or to a messy kid's birthday party, you won't have to worry about ruining your expensive equipment.

Disposable cameras are also called "single-use" or "one-time" cameras. You can get both digital and film disposable cameras. They're available almost everywhere, from your local camera store to the grocery store. These cameras take all the work, worry and fuss out of picture taking and leave pure enjoyment. The photo quality is often quite good, and the point-and-shoot nature of almost all disposable cameras mean that you can capture those moments that are missed as you fiddle with all the buttons and wires and the 100+ pages of detailed instructions in your expensive camera's owner's manual. Additionally, when you point a little plastic camera at someone, the reaction you get will likely be very different; people are disarmed, more casual and open.

There are a wide variety of Disposable Cameras on the market -- and many uses for them, too. Most models come with a rear monitor to view images. They are fully automatic, including the flash (if they have one), usually have a self-timer, and occasionally have an image-delete function. Prices for a camera with the capability for 25 or 27 pictures range from $9 to $19. These prices may or may not include processing, which adds around $10. You can get cheaper prices if you buy in wholesale in quantity or buy without a flash. They can be as inexpensive as $2.00 each!

Most models will yield an image of sufficient quality that it can be blown up to an 8 X 10 inch print, but not all. Some models that are under $10 create overexposed flash images when used with the camera's short flash range (only 4 feet to 8 feet). Another drawback with some of the cheaper models especially is that the viewfinder can be difficult to see through. Typically, even the more expensive versions make you wait between flashes, limiting how many pictures you can take in a given period of time.

Many disposable cameras have a rear monitor that lets you delete the image you just took. However, on most of these, you cannot scroll through the photos you have taken, or use the screen to frame a photo. On some of the less expensive models, the delete function is useless because there is no rear monitor to see what you are deleting.

Both the film disposable camera and the digital disposable camera are convenient and fun, but if you are looking for professional results or a variety of options, stick with the higher end film or digital cameras. And if you shoot photos on a regular basis, it's cheaper in the long run to purchase a regular, non-disposable camera even if you pay to process the prints.

However, having the option to take a disposable camera with you on a family vacation, work party or wedding can be great. Sometimes you don't want to take an expensive camera on a trip for fear it will be stolen, you'll leave it behind, or it might get broken --- an alternative solution comes in the form of the less expensive but perfectly serviceable disposable camera. You get the photos you want without the worry you don't need.

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