Do You Really Need a Digital SLR Camera

For years the ultimate in photographic equipment was the 35mm SLR camera. This camera gave the photographer complete control over his image by changing exposure factors , lenses, or both. Even professional photographers made their living with these type cameras. Then came the Digital Age. You can hear all kinds of stories of cameras that cost thousands of dollars, and lenses that often do too. Magazines show ads of smaller digital cameras that cost a fraction of what the professional models cost, but you just don't know..??? Maybe you won't buy a digital camera until you can afford one of those big ones..

I can tell you that the Digital SLR cameras do offer you a choice of lenses. They also have controls that let you choose much faster speeds, or slower speeds if you prefer. They have sensors that can improve the quality of your image, and can reduce the noise recorded. There are many other great features of Digital SLR's but I do not have the space to write them all. I can say that if you are serious about photography, about controlling your camera and not just taking pictures, then perhaps you should research further into the Digital SLR type of cameras. I spent 2 months checking out different models until I finally purchased my Canon Rebel XT I.. I love it! It has many more bells and whistles than I will ever use, however, it gives me the creative control I want. The decision is a very personal choice, so go with what you think will best serve you now and in the future.

Having said this, I will have to say that I owned 2 smaller digital cameras before I purchased my Canon camera. Many of the advanced compact cameras have great selling points of their own. I owned 2 Kodak Easyshare digital cameras. One was a 3.2 megapixel and the other was a 4.1 The image quality of these cameras when shot at lower ISO's is very close to what the Canon camera has. And I am serious! I blew up 3 pictures that I shot with the 3 mp camera to a 14 x 17 and was simply amazed at the detail of those images. The Kodak camera is smaller, lighter and it certainly cost a whole lot less. I still carry that camera with me every time I go out, along with the Canon. Sometimes there are shots that are hard to get to and the small camera really comes in handy. It's always great to have along. I know some other photographers who say the same thing.

So, if you are having a tough time deciding whether to purchase a Digital SLR or a smaller compact digital, I hope this information has helped you some. Personally, I think it helped me to start out with the smaller cameras and get the feel for digital. It is different from film, and does require a bit of adjusting. I didn't think I would make that switch, but now that I have...I don't regret it for a second!

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