SLR? Digital? Compact? Which Camera to Buy

Everyone wants to preserve memories that they treasure most. One way of doing so is by getting pictures. Having a camera may be the best option but there are many options on which camera one would buy. A person may choose between a film or a digital camera. With the digital age, it would be a better choice to have digital camera since it is more handy and using it may even be less costly for the person. But once you have decided to buy a digital camera, there are many cameras available and another choice would be made between an SLR and a compact camera. There are many important considerations that must first be done before making a decision.

SLR cameras may be a better choice for many people since it has a more pixels, and one can control the settings of the picture that they want to take. For photographers, the SLR digital camera would be the best choice since they can have sharper images with higher mega pixel cameras. Also, tweaking the ISO, shutter and aperture settings can be done using the SLR. Also with digital SLR cameras, showing off your more artistic side may be done if you know how to manage the settings and make use of other functions of the camera. Since there is a manual option, you may be able to really use the option unlike with compact cameras. Thus, if you want to be more creative, then SLR digital cameras would definitely be the choice for you.

Also, the shutter lag in SLR camera is in fraction of seconds that is comparatively lower than the 2 to 3 shutter lags in the compact cameras. Thus, missing a shot may be avoided with SLR cameras. Also, you may even make your pictures better when you use the right lens in taking the picture. With SLR digital camera, you may interchange the lens and choose the right one for the certain subject.

There are many other advantages of SLR cameras. But having a compact camera may still be a good choice. One of the most obvious would be the size of the SLR camera. It may be too big that it cannot fit in your purse. Thus, SLR cameras may not be good when taking family vacations and simple out of town trips. Also, it weighs more and may not be handled by children.

Having an SLR would only be an advantage if you know how to use the settings. But once you are too inexperienced and knowledgeable, then the setting would only make your pictures lousier and not a bit better.

These considerations are important before choosing which camera you would buy. If you really want better pictures, then making sure that you have the right camera would be the better way to go. If you already know how to handle the camera and use its functions, then better pictures would definitely be taken. One does not need to be a professional to achieve good pictures. It only takes the interest and the eagerness to learn more about photography.

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